Free Modem: Assoprovider wins in the Council of State against Telecom

A battle won but there is still a lot to do

The sentence of the Council of State sanctions an important victory, but the battle continues. So he explains Fulvio Sarzana, the “historical” lawyer representing Assoprovider’s requests

“This is an important victory for the association and a look at the future of telecommunications. In fact, the sentence of the Council of State anticipates the new powers of the Telecommunications Guarantees Authority provided for by the European Electronic Communications Code, currently being implemented in our country “. 

Free Modem: here is the history of the dispute

Tim had presented a first appeal to the Lazio Regional Administrative Court against the Authority’s resolution, seeing himself reject two grounds of appeal. The sentence established for the first time the “right – by users – to use an alternative modem and no longer pay that of their telephone operator “. This ruling had temporarily put an end to that battle he saw Tim on one side and on the other side Assoprovider, together with other trade associations.
