NGN regulations

NGN regulations

Telecom Italia’s CEO Stefano Bernabè, called for a ‘light regulatory approach’ to NGNs which would guarantee adequate returns on investment, offer deregulation based on geographic markets and foster infrastructure sharing. Telecom Italia’s CEO Stefano Bernabè, called for a ‘light regulatory approach’ to NGNs which would guarantee adequate returns on investment, offer deregulation based on geographic markets and foster infrastructure sharing. Telecom Italia’s CEO Stefano Bernabè, called for a ‘light regulatory approach’ to NGNs which would guarantee adequate returns on investment, offer deregulation based on geographic markets and foster infrastructure sharing. Telecom Italia’s CEO Stefano Bernabè, called for a ‘light regulatory approach’ to NGNs which would guarantee adequate returns on investment, offer deregulation based on geographic markets and foster infrastructure sharing. Telecom Italia’s CEO Stefano Bernabè, called for a ‘light regulatory approach’ to NGNs which would guarantee adequate returns on investment, offer deregulation based on geographic markets and foster infrastructure sharing. Telecom Italia’s CEO Stefano Bernabè, called for a ‘light regulatory approach’ to NGNs which would guarantee adequate returns on investment, offer deregulation based on geographic markets and foster infrastructure sharing. Telecom Italia’s CEO Stefano Bernabè, called for a ‘light regulatory approach’ to NGNs which would guarantee adequate returns on investment, offer deregulation based on geographic markets and foster infrastructure sharing.
