Cryptocurrencies in Italy new rules was published

Cryptocurrencies in Italy, MEF rules was published.

The Economy and Finance  Ministerial Decree on Cryptocurrencies was published in the Official Gazette February 17, 2022.
Rules was called "Methods and timing with which service providers relating to the use of virtual currency and digital wallet service providers are required to communicate their operations on the national territory as well as 'forms of cooperation between the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the police forces. " This is the first register for exchanges and digital wallet service providers (so-called e-wallet providers) operating at national level. To understand what exchanges are, it is enough to know that, once issued, virtual currencies can be bought or sold on an exchange platform using legal tender money (for example, EUR, USD, etc.). A cryptocurrency wallet is a secure digital wallet used to store, send and receive digital currency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. For the first time in Italy, a system will be set up through which to catalog the operators of the cryptocurrency sector, through a mandatory registration in the register and a consequent communication to the OAM of the operations involving virtual currency.

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