EU and the Italian Ministry of Economic Development experts on decentralization – D.AI 7

27  febbraio 2019 ore 19:00 Scuola di Giornalismo Viale Pola 12, Roma

Scuola Superiore di Giornalismo Luiss “Massimo Baldini”, Luiss Data Lab and Catchy support the 8th Meetup of the Decentralized AI Community, the only one in Italy dedicated to Decentralized Artificial Intelligence, the next wave of value in the intersection between blockchain, AI and the use of decentralized data.
During the meeting, legal and planning visions of decentralization will be shared from expert jurists in the blockchain field who collaborate on these issues with important Italian and European institutions such as the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and the EU.


Welcome address and introduction
Alessandro Biancini AI and Blockchain Analyst di Alkemy, co-founder of the D.AI Community
Alessandro Mario Laganà Toschi CEO di Risepic, co-founder of the D.AI Community

Fulvio Sarzana Sarzana and Partners Law Firm, Attorney at Italian’s Supreme Court “The code is law or law is code? The new rules on distributed ledgers and smart contracts in Italy and in the rest of the world”
Luca Tacchetti Data Researcher Luiss Data Lab “News from Decentralized AI ecosystem”
Laura Cappello Chairman di Blockchain Core, Scientific Director at Ateneo Impresa “Europe decentralized by the blockchain”

Conclusion and Q&A session
Fulvio Sarzana
Luca Tacchetti

Event will be held in english
