victory for the freenet 500 sites back to life.

victory for the freenet 500 sites back to life.

The Court of Padova annulled the decision issued in late September that obscured 500 sites in response to a complaint of Moncler. The GIP of Padova had ordered the seizure of these sites, all accused of trademark infringement of the French company. Among these 493 sites obscured, however, many were not active and others had called the French brand without profit: they seemed, in fact, connected only by the fact that the domain name to draw the word Moncler. The violation of Sections 474 and 517 of the Penal Code, which speak of the introduction and sale of counterfeit products industry, so it seemed to have createda devastating effect on the Web sites of some of the blame, however, in somecases registered abroad and managed by Chinese citizens, led the Court ofPadua to reach a decision to condemn in advance all the sites that are not usedfor commercial purposes the Moncler brand, a reading that would go well beyond regulatory compliance and ensured the exclusive owner of the mark by the instrument of the trademark.
