WI Max : patent pool

WI Max : patent pool

Six of the big companies in the WiMAX world announced the formation of a patent pool on Tuesday. Dubbed the Open Patent Alliance (OPA), the founding members are Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Intel, Samsung and WiMAX pin ups of the operator community, Clearwire and Sprint Six of the big companies in the WiMAX world announced the formation of a patent pool on Tuesday. Dubbed the Open Patent Alliance (OPA), the founding members are Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Intel, Samsung and WiMAX pin ups of the operator community, Clearwire and Sprint Six of the big companies in the WiMAX world announced the formation of a patent pool on Tuesday. Dubbed the Open Patent Alliance (OPA), the founding members are Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Intel, Samsung and WiMAX pin ups of the operator community, Clearwire and Sprint Six of the big companies in the WiMAX world announced the formation of a patent pool on Tuesday. Dubbed the Open Patent Alliance (OPA), the founding members are Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Intel, Samsung and WiMAX pin ups of the operator community, Clearwire and Sprint Six of the big companies in the WiMAX world announced the formation of a patent pool on Tuesday. Dubbed the Open Patent Alliance (OPA), the founding members are Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Intel, Samsung and WiMAX pin ups of the operator community, Clearwire and Sprint Six of the big companies in the WiMAX world announced the formation of a patent pool on Tuesday. Dubbed the Open Patent Alliance (OPA), the founding members are Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Intel, Samsung and WiMAX pin ups of the operator community, Clearwire and Sprint Six of the big companies in the WiMAX world announced the formation of a patent pool on Tuesday. Dubbed the Open Patent Alliance (OPA), the founding members are Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Intel, Samsung and WiMAX pin ups of the operator community, Clearwire and Sprint Six of the big companies in the WiMAX world announced the formation of a patent pool on Tuesday. Dubbed the Open Patent Alliance (OPA), the founding members are Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Intel, Samsung and WiMAX pin ups of the operator community, Clearwire and Sprint
